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Welcome to Rebase Forecast API!

This documentation will show you how to create sites, upload production data, upload localized weather measurements and access forecasts for your sites.


How to include API key in your requests

import requests
# this is just an example request showing how to include the API key
url = '<endpoint>'
headers = {
  'GL-API-KEY': your_api_key
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
const request = require('request');

// this is just an example request showing how to include the API key
const options = {
  url: '<endpoint>',
  headers: {
    'GL-API-KEY': your_api_key


Make sure to replace your_api_key with your API key.

Each request to the Platform API must be authenticated with an API key. You can create a new API key in your user profile .

The API key must be included in the header for every request like this:

GL-API-KEY: your_api_key

Base url

All endpoints in this documentation are relative to this base url:

For instance, requesting endpoint /site/forecast/latest/<site_id> should be done to the complete url:<site_id>



Get sites

import requests

url = ''

headers = {
  'GL-API-KEY': your_api_key

response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)

result = response.json()
const request = require('request');

const options = {
  url: '',
  headers: {
    'GL-API-KEY': your_api_key

request(options, (error, response, body) => {
    if (response.statusCode === 200){
      // do something with data in body

The request above returns JSON structured like this:

    "site_id": "c7c6c33c-f873-43e5-9012-da12de68b475",
    "type": "solar",
    "name": "my_site_1",
    "latitude": 55.35,
    "longitude": 12.13,
    "tilt": 10.0,
    "azimuth": 172.9,
    "capacity": [
        {"value": 723.3, "dateEnd": null}
    "site_id": "bbaff2b9-7818-4abb-997e-60760cb3160e",
    "type": "solar",
    "name": "my_site_2",
    "latitude": 55.33,
    "longitude": 12.12,
    "tilt": 11.1,
    "azimuth": 175.0,
    "capacity": [
        {"value": 600.0, "dateEnd": null}

This endpoint retrieves a list of all your sites.

The site ids returned from this endpoint should be used to query other endpoints which require <site_id>.

HTTP Request

GET /sites

Query Parameters



JSON array containing one JSON object per site. Each JSON object has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
site_id The id of the site which can be used to request other endpoints. (string)
name The name of the site. (string)
type Type of site: solar / wind / localized. (string)
latitude The latitude value of the site's geographical position. (float)
longitude The longitude value of the site's geographical position. (float)

Solar sites have the following additional attributes:

Attribute Description
azimuth Orientation of solar panels in degrees. N = 0, E = 90, S = 180, W = 270. (float)
tilt Tilt of solar panels in degrees. 0 to 90. (float)
capacity Capacity of the site in kW. dateEnd is the date when the capacity value is no longer valid, null means that the value is currently valid. (JSON array)

Wind sites have the following additional attributes:

Attribute Description
capacity Capacity of the site in kW. dateEnd is the date when the capacity value is no longer valid, null means that the value is currently valid. (JSON array)
turbines The wind turbines used by the site (JSON array)

Localized weather sites have the following additional attributes:

Attribute Description
measurements The measurement types for the site (JSON array)

Status codes

Code Meaning
200 Ok
401 Unauthorized -- Your API key is wrong.
500 Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily not able to handle your request. Try again later.

Create solar site

import requests
import json

url = ''

headers = {
  'GL-API-KEY': your_api_key,
  'Content-Type': 'application/json'

data = {
  'type': 'solar',
  'name': 'My solar site',
  'latitude': 53.41,
  'longitude': 5.94,
  'azimuth': 171.3, # 0 = North, 90 = East, 180 = South, 270 = West
  'tilt': 10.3,
  'capacity': [
    {'value': 750.5, 'validFrom': '2019-10-10T00:00:00Z'}, # capacity of site changed to 750.5 kW at this date
    {'value': 500.3, 'validFrom': '2019-04-03T00:00:00Z'}, # site was installed at this date

response =, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data))

data = response.json()
const request = require('request');

const data = {
  type: 'solar',
  name: 'My solar site',
  latitude: 53.41,
  longitude: 5.94,
  azimuth: 171.3, // 0 = North, 90 = East, 180 = South, 270 = West
  tilt: 10.3,
  capacity: [
    {value: 750.5, validFrom: '2019-10-10T00:00:00Z'}, // capacity of site changed to 750.5 kW at this date
    {value: 500.3, validFrom: '2019-04-03T00:00:00Z'}, // site was installed at this date

const options = {
  url: '',
  headers: {
    'GL-API-KEY': your_api_key,
    'Content-Type': 'application/json'
  json: data
};, (error, response, body) => {
    if (response.statusCode === 200){
      // do something with data in body

The request above returns JSON structured like this:

  "site_id": "04a24f77-60a0-41da-a844-ec0d7b6b904f"

Create a new solar site.

HTTP Request

GET /site/create

Query Parameters



The body of the POST request must be a JSON object containing the following:

Attribute Description
type solar
name Name to give to site
latitude latitude of site (-90 to 90)
longitude longitude of site (-180 to 180)
azimuth orientation of solar panels (0 N, 90 E, 180 S, 270 W) degrees
tilt tilt of solar panels (0 to 90) degrees
capacity Capacity of site - array of JSON objects. Each JSON object should contain the capacity value in kW and the date (ISO 8601) from which the value is valid from.


JSON object containing site_id of the created site

Attribute Description
site_id id of the created site

Status codes

Code Meaning
200 Ok
400 Bad request -- POST data is missing or incorrectly formatted.
401 Unauthorized -- Your API key is wrong.
404 Not Found -- The site does not exist.
500 Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily not able to handle your request. Try again later.

Create wind site

import requests
import json

url = ''

headers = {
  'GL-API-KEY': your_api_key,
  'Content-Type': 'application/json'

data = {
  'type': 'wind',
  'name': 'My wind site',
  'latitude': 53.41,
  'longitude': 5.94,
  'capacity': [
    {'value': 4000, 'validFrom': '2019-10-10T00:00:00Z'}, # capacity of site changed to 4000 kW at this date
    {'value': 2000, 'validFrom': '2019-04-03T00:00:00Z'}, # site was installed at this date

response =, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data))

data = response.json()
const request = require('request');

const data = {
  type: 'wind',
  name: 'My wind site',
  latitude: 53.41,
  longitude: 5.94,
  capacity: [
    {value: 4000, validFrom: '2019-10-10T00:00:00Z'}, // capacity of site changed to 4000 kW at this date
    {value: 2000, validFrom: '2019-04-03T00:00:00Z'}, // site was installed at this date

const options = {
  url: '',
  headers: {
    'GL-API-KEY': your_api_key,
    'Content-Type': 'application/json'
  json: data
};, (error, response, body) => {
    if (response.statusCode === 200){
      // do something with data in body

The request above returns JSON structured like this:

  "site_id": "04a24f77-60a0-41da-a844-ec0d7b6b904f"

Create a new wind site.

HTTP Request

GET /site/create

Query Parameters



The body of the POST request must be a JSON object containing the following:

Attribute Description
type wind
name Name to give to site
latitude latitude of site (-90 to 90)
longitude longitude of site (-180 to 180)
capacity Capacity of site - array of JSON objects. Each JSON object should contain the capacity value in kW and the date (ISO 8601) from which the value is valid from.


JSON object containing site_id of the created site

Attribute Description
site_id id of the created site

Status codes

Code Meaning
200 Ok
400 Bad request -- POST data is missing or incorrectly formatted.
401 Unauthorized -- Your API key is wrong.
404 Not Found -- The site does not exist.
500 Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily not able to handle your request. Try again later.

Create localized weather site

import requests
import json

url = ''

headers = {
  'GL-API-KEY': your_api_key,
  'Content-Type': 'application/json'

data = {
  'type': 'localized',
  'name': 'My localized site',
  'latitude': 53.41,
  'longitude': 5.94,
  'measurement': 'WindSpeed'

response =, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data))

data = response.json()
const request = require('request');

const data = {
  type: 'localized',
  name: 'My localized site',
  latitude: 53.41,
  longitude: 5.94,
  measurement: 'WindSpeed'

const options = {
  url: '',
  headers: {
    'GL-API-KEY': your_api_key,
    'Content-Type': 'application/json'
  json: data
};, (error, response, body) => {
    if (response.statusCode === 200){
      // do something with data in body

The request above returns JSON structured like this:

  "site_id": "04a24f77-60a0-41da-a844-ec0d7b6b904f"

Create a new localized weather site.

Only supports AI forecasts. First create a site as described below with one of the following supported measurement types:

measurement unit
WindSpeed m/s
Temperature °C
CloudCover %

Then to create the AI forecast, upload data for the same measurement type as described in Upload data & train model > Measurement

HTTP Request

GET /site/create

Query Parameters



The body of the POST request must be a JSON object containing the following:

Attribute Description
type localized
name Name to give to site
latitude latitude of site (-90 to 90)
longitude longitude of site (-180 to 180)
measurement WindSpeed / Temperature / CloudCover


JSON object containing site_id of the created site

Attribute Description
site_id id of the created site

Status codes

Code Meaning
200 Ok
400 Bad request -- POST data is missing or incorrectly formatted.
401 Unauthorized -- Your API key is wrong.
404 Not Found -- The site does not exist.
500 Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily not able to handle your request. Try again later.

Create load site

import requests
import json

url = ''

headers = {
  'GL-API-KEY': your_api_key,
  'Content-Type': 'application/json'

data = {
  'type': 'load',
  'name': 'My load site',
  'latitude': 53.41,
  'longitude': 5.94,
  'nwps': ['DWD_ICON-EU', 'NCEP_GFS'],
  'variables': [
      {'name': 'Temperature', 'lag': [-4, -3, -2, -1, 1, 2, 3, 4]},
      {'name': 'SolarDownwardRadiation'},
  'calendar': ['holidays', 'hourOfDay'],

response =, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data))

data = response.json()
const request = require('request');

const data = {
  type: 'load',
  name: 'My load site',
  latitude: 53.41,
  longitude: 5.94,
  nwps: ['DWD_ICON-EU', 'NCEP_GFS'],
  variables: [
      {name: 'Temperature', lag: [-4, -3, -2, -1, 1, 2, 3, 4]},
      {name: 'SolarDownwardRadiation'},
  calendar: ['holidays', 'hourOfDay'],

const options = {
  url: '',
  headers: {
    'GL-API-KEY': your_api_key,
    'Content-Type': 'application/json'
  json: data
};, (error, response, body) => {
    if (response.statusCode === 200){
      // do something with data in body

The request above returns JSON structured like this:

  "site_id": "04a24f77-60a0-41da-a844-ec0d7b6b904f"

Create a new load site.

Only supports AI forecasts. First create a site as described below. Then to create the AI forecast, upload data to train as described in Upload data & train model > Measurement

HTTP Request

GET /site/create

Query Parameters



The body of the POST request must be a JSON object containing the following:

Attribute Description
type load
name Name to give to site
latitude latitude of site (-90 to 90)
longitude longitude of site (-180 to 180)
nwps array of one or more NWPS to train.

Available NWPS:
variables array of JSON objects, containing NWP variables and lags.

Available variables:
  • Temperature
  • SolarDownwardRadiation
  • WindSpeed
  • WindDirection
  • CloudCover
Each variable can have an optional array of lags with values in range -24 to 24
{'name': 'Temperature', 'lag': [-4, -3, -2, -1, 1, 2, 3, 4]},
{'name': 'SolarDownwardRadiation'}
calendar array of calendar features that should be included in model training.

Available features:
  • holidays - If the model should take public holidays into account
  • hourOfDay - If the model should take into account which hour of the day it is
  • dayOfWeek - If the model should take into account which day of the week it is
  • weekOfYear - If the model should take into account which week of the year it is
['holidays', 'hourOfDay']


JSON object containing site_id of the created site

Attribute Description
site_id id of the created site

Status codes

Code Meaning
200 Ok
400 Bad request -- POST data is missing or incorrectly formatted.
401 Unauthorized -- Your API key is wrong.
404 Not Found -- The site does not exist.
500 Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily not able to handle your request. Try again later.


Latest forecast

import requests

# replace <site_id> here with an actual id for a site
url = '<site_id>'

headers = {
  'GL-API-KEY': your_api_key

params = {
  'type': 'ai',
  'additional': "['clearsky']"

response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params)

result = response.json()
const request = require('request');

const options = {
  // replace <site_id> here with an actual id for a site
  url: '<site_id>',
  headers: {
    'GL-API-KEY': your_api_key

request(options, (error, response, body) => {
    if (response.statusCode === 200){
      // do something with data in body

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "ref_time": "2020-01-05T00:00Z",
  "valid_time": [
  "forecast": [
  "type": "ai",
  "additional": {
    "clearsky": {
      "forecast": [...],
      "valid_time": [...]

This endpoint retrieves the latest forecast for a specified site.

To get an AI forecast you must first have uploaded power production data and trained a model. See Upload data & train model > Measurement

HTTP Request

GET /site/forecast/latest/<site_id>

Query Parameters

Parameter Required Values Default Description
type No prioritized, ai, physical prioritized Type of forecast to return. 'prioritized' returns the best forecast at the time
normalize No True, False False If set to True, will return forecast normalized by site capacity. This is only available for capacity limited sites.
additional No ['clearsky'] None A string representing a list of strings of additional forecast data to return. Clearsky option is only available for solar sites.


JSON object containing two arrays of equal length, one with valid times and the other with forecast values.

Attribute Description
ref_time Reference time the forecast was calculated for.
valid_time Array of timestamps which the forecast values are valid for (UTC timezone). (array of ISO 8601 formatted strings)
forecast Array of forecast values in kilowatts (kW). (array of floats)
type Type of forecast. Same as query parameter.
additional JSON object containing additional forecast data. Contains clear sky forecast for solar sites if 'clearsky' supplied in additional query parameter.

Status codes

Code Meaning
200 Ok
401 Unauthorized -- Your API key is wrong.
404 Not Found -- The site does not exist.
500 Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily not able to handle your request. Try again later.

Upload data & train model


import requests
import json

# replace <site_id> here with an actual id for a site
url = '<site_id>'

headers = {
  'GL-API-KEY': your_api_key,
  'Content-Type': 'application/json'

data = {
  'valid_time': [
  'measurement': [
  'type': '<measurement type>'

response =, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data))

const request = require('request');

const data = {
  valid_time: [
  measurement: [
  type: '<measurement type>'

const options = {
  // replace <site_id> here with an actual id for a site
  url: '<site_id>',
  headers: {
    'GL-API-KEY': your_api_key,
    'Content-Type': 'application/json'
  json: data

This endpoints uploads measurements for a specific site. Once successfully uploaded, AI models will be trained on the new data. New AI forecasts should become available a few minutes later.

HTTP Request

GET /site/measurement/upload/<site_id>

Query Parameters



The body in the POST data must be a JSON object containing the following:

Attribute Value
valid_time Array of timestamps (ISO 8601 formatted)

[t1, t2, ..., tn]
measurement Array of measurement values

[v1, v2, ..., vn]
type Type of measurement. This type must match the measurement type the site was created with.

Available measurements:
  • ProductionPower - in [kW]
  • EnergyConsumption - in [kW]
  • WindSpeed - in [m/s]
  • Temperature - in [°C]
  • CloudCover - in [%]


'Ok', confirmation message that data was successfully uploaded

Status codes

Code Meaning
200 Ok
400 Bad request -- POST data is missing or incorrectly formatted.
401 Unauthorized -- Your API key is wrong.
404 Not Found -- The site does not exist.
500 Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily not able to handle your request. Try again later.